FREE Online Event for Entrepreneurs:

Your Best Year Yet Giveaway

🎁🎄It’s 12 Days of (Entrepreneur) Christmas!

Time’s Up! Event Closed for 2021…








INSTRUCTIONS: Giveaway is now closed for 2021. See you in 2022!

FOR RAFFLES: Prizes are currently being drawn and will be announced on or about Dec. 23.

🎅 Day 1 Gifts
Video Course: “10 Minute Tasks: Content Marketing” from Tracy Roberts & Susanne Myers + Mini Membership Trio Raffle
Market your content just 10 minutes at a time.

This 10-module video e-course gives you:

➡️ Tips to determine what part of content marketing you should focus on next

➡️ Companion worksheets & checklists help plan your Monthly Milestones & Weekly Targets

➡️ Daily Tasks to reach your goals

Focused action, even tiny steps, work to create big impact on your business….more traffic, more engagement, more people on your email list & more sales of your products.

BONUS GIFT + RAFFLE: 75% off coupon for your choice of PLR pack AND be entered to win a 1-Year PLR Content Membership all 3 mini-membership content packs rolled into one! Each month you get content for business, self-help & health/wellness niches. Includes content, social media posts & images, email messages and more! (Value $564) >>>

Value: $47 + You Could Win a $564 PLR Membership
Gift + Raffle: Get “Really Simple Authority Blogging” from Connie Ragen Green & You Could WIN Online Business Mentoring
Really Simple Authority Blogging is a 6-session workshop that shows you exactly how to:

➡️ Set up a WordPress site in less than an hour

➡️ Spend just a few hours a week to create an authority site

➡️ Sell your own and affiliate products from your blog every day

➡️ Develop 7 separate streams of revenue & attract prospects 24/7/365

➡️ Use SEO (Search Engine Optimization) to make sure your site gets found

IMPORTANT: You get this $499 course for free! Use coupon code AUTHORITY at checkout for 100% off.

RAFFLE: Grab this course & be entered to win online business mentoring from Connie – $799 value >>>

Value: $499 + You Could WIN $799 in Mentoring
Gift + Raffle! Get the Perfect Book Outline Template: How to Craft Your Perfect Book Outline In Less Than 30 Minutes – from Kim Eldredge
From Kim Eldredge, publisher & best-selling author of over 20 books:

The Book Outline Template (Part 1 of my 6-part, proven Finally Write Your Book System) has helped authors around the world get unstuck, clarify their message, and finally have progress on their book. You’ll learn:

➡️ What to never do when you’re writing your book outline (If you get this wrong, you’ll be stuck forever.)

➡️ The one thing you need for your reader to walk away from your book transformed

➡️ The truth about writing your outline – it’s probably not what you think – and it can unlock your writing

➡️ What to never forget in your outline – leave this out and you’ll have a boring book

RAFFLE: Grab this gift & you’ll be entered to win Kim’s Storytelling for Non-Fiction Authors.

In this 5-part course, you’ll learn to write captivating, emotion-invoking stories that keep your reader turning pages – a $997 value >>>

Value: $197 + You Could Win a $997  Course
🎅 Day 4 Gifts
Gift + Raffle! Get 10 Proven Press Releases from Susan Harrow & You Could WIN a $3,500 PR Course
Most publicity seekers fail at getting a journalist or producer to open their email—so your offer never even gets seen.

➡️ Gift #1: Learn the EXACT FORMULA to get any journalist or producer’s attention so you can get interviewed & get recognition & sales…

The 100-Word Email That Can Get The Media to Call You helps you stand out from your competitors + increase your chances to get the media to call.

➡️ Gift #2: The 10 Proven Press Releases gives you the formulas top publicists have used HUNDREDS of times to get their clients NATIONAL publicity. Just fill in the blanks & click “send.”

RAFFLE: Grab these gifts & you’ll be entered to win “The Zen of Fame: Your Genius Gone Viral™” – $3,500 value >>>

Value: $344 + You Could Win $3,500 in PR Training
FREE: Get the “Explode Your Audience” Blueprint from Lead Generation Specialist, Kristen Robinson
Wish you had a bigger email list?

The “Explode Your Audience” Blueprint shares Kristen’s 5 simple strategies to MASSIVELY grow your email list to your first 1,000 email subscribers and beyond.

Kristen’s blueprint also reveals how to maximize each strategy wherever you are on your list-building journey.

These are the same 5 strategies that helped Kristen grow her email list from nothing (or next to nothing) to 4,000+ email subscribers TWICE.

If you want an easier, more successful online business, you NEED to grow your email list…

Kristen can help! Get the “Explode Your Audience” Blueprint FREE – a $197 value >>>

Value: $197
Gift + Raffle! 5 Secrets to Creating Slides that Engage & You Could WIN Presentation Design Bootcamp – from Brigette Callahan
This 5-part video training walks you through how to create great slides using the high-level distinctions of quick retention and brain pleasing content.

Once you use these techniques, you’ll be well on your way to creating great slides that your audience will LOVE:

1) Creating the right branded template
2) How to convey your text without those boring bullets
3) How to choose photos
4) One easy trick to make your point AND increase attention
5) Tips for adding videos to your presentations

RAFFLE: Get this gift & be automatically entered to WIN “5 Days to Stage: Presentation Design Bootcamp” to uplevel your slides AND your conversions – a $347 value >>>

Value: $197 + You Could Win $347 in Powerpoint Training
🎅 Day 7 Gifts

Gift + Raffle! Get 100 Top Social Media Engagement Posts from Molly Mahoney & You Could WIN Molly’s Social Sales Stars Program

You’re working hard to build up your social media following, but you’re struggling to grow an engaged community that will buy…

We’ve been in your shoes before – it’s not fun!

Getting followers can be easy, but building a loyal tribe of people who are willing to listen & follow what you say is tricky…

It took Molly months of trial & error before she figured out how to get engagement on her posts without looking like a salesy weirdo.

Now you can steal Molly’s 100 top social media engagement posts!

RAFFLE: Grab Molly’s top 100 posts now & you’ll be automatically entered to WIN Molly’s “Social Sales Stars” program – a $997 value >>>

Value: $997 + You Could Win a $997 Workshop
Gift + Raffle! How to Write Emails People Actually Want to Read from Sam Bennett + You Could WIN the Get It Done Workshop

Is it true that you should never use more than one exclamation point per email?

Are newsletters dead?

Can you write authentic, engaging emails that get results?

Created from Sam’s ultra-popular LinkedIn Learning course, this easy to follow ebook is filled with so many helpful, practical tips, you can be writing emails that people actually want to read by this afternoon.

From a fan: “I closed on the prospect three days after I used your email advice. This customer is worth, at a minimum, a quarter of a million. You’re my hero.” – Mary West

RAFFLE: Grab this gift & you could win the (nearly legendary) Get It Done Workshop: Choose & complete your next big project with this 6-module self-study course – $365 value >>>

Value: $9.99 + You Could Win a $365 Workshop
FREE: Create Your First (or Next) High-Converting Lead Magnet Mini-Launch Workshop, from Alicia Forest
Optimize your lead magnet & opt-in page, craft your email nurture sequence, and design your simple but powerful mini-launch…

…So you can grow your high-quality & responsive email list today for more sales tomorrow!

➡️ Clearly define your WHO so your lead magnet speaks to more of your perfect people

➡️ Crystalize your WHAT so your perfect people say YES immediately to your lead magnet

➡️ Design your thank-you page to immediately serve and deepen the connection with your new lead

➡️ Craft your email nurture sequence so you’re gently warming up your audience for your offer

Get the Lead Magnet Mini-Launch Workshop FREE – a $97 value >>>

Value: $97
🎅 Day 8 Gifts
Get the InstaAMP Engagement Boosting Instagram Puzzle Feed Template FREE from Lynette Chandler
Turn your Instagram feed from “blah” to “WOW” without spending hours doing it…

With these InstaAMP puzzle feed templates, you can:

➡️ Churn out stunning puzzle posts in minutes

➡️ Have a modern Instagram feed that absolutely stands out from the crowd

➡️ Drive the engagement and visibility you need to bring on those sales

Just swap out with your brand colors, add your photo or logo and post – so easy.

Get Lynette’s InstaAMP Instagram Template NOW – a $19 value >>>

Value: $19

FREE from Laura West: 7-Day Journal and Meditation – Creative Guidance from Your Future Self

You’ll love this easy and fun way to get creative guidance from your wise Future Self…

You’ll receive a powerful visualization to meet your Future Self and a 7-day journal to help you dialogue:

➡️ Ask for guidance for a project, idea or your day!

➡️ You’ll be amazed at wisdom, ideas and practical steps you’ll receive.

➡️ It’s easy to follow along with the journal prompts to get surprising and yet aligned guidance.

You’ll want to make this part of your daily success ritual – $97 value >>>

Value: $97

FREE: Content Creation Blueprint from the Founder of Six-Figure Systems, Cindy Bidar

Imagine what it would mean for your business if you could effortlessly create new content that encourages and educates your audience, and closes the sale, too…

That’s exactly what can happen when you develop a workable, repeatable content planning, creation, and promotion system, rather than waiting for inspiration to strike (or worse, trying to force it into being).

Inside the Content Creation Blueprint, Cindy is sharing her own personal content planning system, along with the tools and checklists she uses to organize, schedule, and leverage her content to make more sales with less effort.

Get Cindy Bidar’s Content Creation Blueprint FREE – a $67 value >>>

Value: $67
🎅 Day 9 Gifts

FREE: Social Selling Messenger Snippets from social media expert, Jenna Larson

Grab Messenger “chat” templates for converting your social connections into clients, without feeling salesy!

Jenna Larson is the Founder and Coach of Drive Performance Coaching as well as the Co-Founder of GroupTrack CRM.

She helps entrepreneurs monetize their genius through communities, conversations and compelling offers.

Selling on social media? Grab your social selling Messenger chat snippets – a $97 value >>>

Value: $97

Gift + Raffle: Get the “Grow Your Group” Bundle & You Could WIN the “Leading a KickAss Group” Program – from Christina Jandali

The Grow Your Group Bundle Includes:

➡️ A fill-in-the-blank “Perfect Facebook Naming Formula” worksheet

➡️ Christina’s “Irresistible Intro Post” template

➡️ The 5-step “Grow Your Group” mini-course to start filling your group with soon-to-be buyers (not just freebie seekers!)

RAFFLE: Grab the “Grow Your Group” bundle now & you’ll be entered to WIN the full “Leading a Kickass Group” course…

“Leading a Kickass Group” is the ultimate program for coaches & course creators who want to build a super-connected community that converts like crazy – in 60 days or less! – $1,497 value >>>

Value: $497 + You Could Win a $1,497 Program

Gift + Raffle: Get the “3 Day Challenge: How to Write Ad Copy That Attracts & Converts” from Amy Hartmann & You Could WIN a 1-Year Membership to Social Advertising Insiders

Are you struggling with Facebook Ads in this post iOS14 world we are living in?

It is time to shift your strategy:

You need to think like a marketer and not like a data analyst if you want to get amazing results with your ads…

Join my 3-Day Email Challenge to learn my simple algorithm-proof strategy for writing ads that attract and convert your ideal audience.

During the challenge you will:

➡️ Identify your target audience
➡️ Uncover their unique language
➡️ Learn my simple ad copy framework

Join the challenge to be entered into a drawing for a free 1-year membership to my Social Advertising Insiders Club – a $497 value >>>

Value: $27 + You Could Win $497 in Membership
🎅 Want to run a giveaway like this one? Join us!
Why run a giveaway like this one? Giveaways are one of the easiest ways to get your business in front of 1000s of new leads, make joint-venture connections AND grow your list.

Your giveaway hosts, Jennifer & Kathryn, put together THE essential Giveaway How-To Masterclass to show you:

➡️ 3 surprising nuances that make our giveaways so successful

➡️ The top 3 disastrous mistakes to avoid for a giveaway that gives you street cred & builds your list quickly with 1,000+ new leads

➡️ Our exact giveaway planning checklist & timeline to pull off a polished giveaway with zero guesswork

Snag your spot & peek behind the curtain of our industry-disrupting giveaway model that has attracted A-List contributors like Lisa Sasevich, John Lee Dumas, Suzanne Evans & more – a $497 value >>>

Value: $497

Special Thanks to You and…

Raised for Village Impact & Other Charities So Far

Village Impact brings education & entrepreneurship to children in rural Kenya: You being here helps build a movement can change the destiny of a child, a family, a community, a country and the world. Thank you.

Nathalie Lussier wants to help you build your email list more in the next 30 days than you have in the last 3 months. Her totally free 30-Day List Building Challenge features easy, actionable tips every day for 30 days plus accountability and feedback. See you in there!

Rather than try to build every feature possible, ConvertKit focuses on being the best at email marketing, then building great integrations so all your tech “plays nicely together.” Best of all, no more wasted hours (and days) spent fighting a tool you don’t understand. ConvertKit = email marketing made easy.
🎁🎄GET CONVERTKIT FREE  – click here.

WebinarJam = Webinars for everyone! The new WebinarJam is the most dramatic improvement to Livecasting, Event Streaming & Webinar Broadcasting ever released. Unmatched flexibility & ease of use plus unequaled value… This is your new Jam!
🎁🎄GET WEBINARJAM 14-DAY TRIAL – click here.